Hello fellow Trekkies, I'm happy that we finally get some promotional stuff for Star Trek Picard, so I made some non-spoilery icons and posted them along with some other Star Trek icons that have collected dust on my computer for some time.
Title: No Shenanigans Prompt: (very late) birthday present for dont_hate_me10 Rating: G Word Count: 300 Fandom: Star Trek (reboot ‘verse) Character(s): Jim Kirk, Spock Summary: “I get that you don’t want a party.”
Hello fellow Trekkies, I recently created my first mood theme feat. Kirk, Spock and Bones from the new movies for my personal use, but thought I’d share it with fellow fans in case anyone else is interested.
Today's story was inspired by President Obama talking about Star Trek recently. I thought he might want to meet his hero! Please find some more detailed pictures and close-ups behind the cut. (Look what he has on his table ;) )
As promised to belandlix here are some of the pictures I recently took with the Quantum Mechanix Kirk and Spock. If you plan to get them, act soon, I hear they are almost sold out.
I cannot wait to get these. Here are two videos showing all the nice details of Kirk and Spock. I love especially the phaser and communicator. And they pose so well! I want to play right now.
I've recently bought this awesome Enterprise bridge set made by Mega Bloks and I loved putting it together! It's been a while since I played with LEGO
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This is what I did today - the vest from the TOS episode "A private little war". I glued together fabric and leather stripes. Sewing did not work. The fabric was given to me for free in a curtain store, how neat is that? The figure is not finished yet, I'll also do the pants and boots (and I just realized he misses the leather straps on his arms).
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I recently watched the movie "Generations" for the first time and got inspired to do this ;) Please click the link to see more detailed pictures at my LJ: